SHINee adalah salah satu Boyband yang ada di South Korea. Salah satu Boyband dari banyak Boyband yang saya suka. Boyband ini beranggotakan 5 namja handsome, cool and young. Umuur personel yang paling tua hanya 21 years old SHINee mempunyai style yang tinggi, sehingga style mereka sering ditiru oleh para fansnya terutama saya. Stylenya sering disebut "TREND SHINee".
Onew, Key ,Jonghyun, Minho ,Taemin
1) The Leader, Onew
Real Name : Lee Jin Ki
Stage Name : Onew
Date of Birth :14 Desember 1989
Nickname : The leader Onew
High : 177 cm
Oppa which is one this oldest in SHINee become him which in making of the LEADER, he is that
leader which really wisdom, congeniality and hold responsible to is other. It is same what else the magnae
taemin hence him he is in calling oppa in SHINEE, he also my love first in SHINEE but now my love move to insignificant Key Oppa. Of good Jonghyun voice owner oppa Of Onew Oppa also have soft voice and have its his easy in essence individuality to if him again sing. Onew Oppa also the including one who is self confidence and sometimes embarrass haha…
2)Bling-Bling, Jonghyun
Stage Name :Jonghyun
Date of Birth :08 April 1990
Nickname :Bling-Bling jonghyun
High :173 cm
Oppa which is one this shortest among 4 SHINEE the other member even from the taemin magnae, but Jonghyun oppa which its nicest him even he step into 25 singer of man having best vocal in South korea. is not wrong him made to become its SHINEE. Jonghyun Oppa vocal leader which cannot be kept quiet what else if have gathered Key wahh oppa with exclaim until oppa minho do not part of talking * elementary it is true that demure Minho oppa X* and he said Jonghyun oppa one who is romantic. oppa like recreate song and create song. super !!
3)The Almighty, Key
Real Name :Kim ki Bum
Stage Name :Key
Date of Birth :23 September 1991
Nickname :The Almighty Key
High :177 cm
Oppa Key is name of its genuiness of caution kibum yeah non U-Kiss kibum or suju kibum ( its brother of SS501 joon hyung) what else kimbum ( Korea F4) whew far , that oppa of excitement in all area, him dancer also can cook, he often other SHINEE members often cookif in just SHINEE dorm snugly is often referred as by ALMIGHTY KEY, he also fussy member hence him called by omma. Oppa Key also like is same which its Name of SHOPPING in essence in the case of Style heits its champion will not hesitate is same of its choice costum. that oppa key he said woman and like is isochromaticly of pink.
4)The Charismatic Flame, Minho
Real Name :Choi Min Ho
Stage Name :Minho
Date of Birth : 9 Desember 1991
Nickname : Charismatic Flame Minho
High :181 cm
Wah hebat baru 18 tahun tapi tingginya udah 181 cm oppa makannya apa sih?oppa memang paling tinggi diantara member yang lain secara oppa kan dulunya sebelum masuk SHINee jadi model dulu.oppa termasuk orang yang pendiam, udah tinggi pendiam lagi kenapa yah yang namanya minho pasti orangnya tinggi-tinggi?l ee min ho(as Gu Jun Pyo of Boys Before Flowers) kan juga tinggi. walaupun oppa yang satu nie pendiam tapi dia jago banget ngerapp and dia jadi rappernya SHINee bareng sama Key oppa. oppa juga hobi banget main sepak bola habis udah ada bakat se-dari kecil dan sang ayah jago banget mainnya sampe gamenya pun oppa menang terus. tuh si magnae taemin juga lagi minta diajarin.
5)The Handy Boy, Taemin or Magnae Taemin
Stage Name :Taemin
Date of Birth :18 Juli 1993
Nickname : Handy Boy Taemin or Magnae
High :175 cm
Taemin donsaeng, dia itu member paling muda di SHINee pantes aja panggilannya Magnae(paling muda)dia jago banget ngedance apa lagi dance modern and dia dipercaya jadi leader dancernya SHINee. taemin nie jga paling kurus loh! karena usia taemin yang paling muda hyung-hyungnya sangat memanjakan si minmin ini. taemin juga sangat polos dan paling imut diantara member-member yang lain.
Nah ini penjelasan tentang SHINee menurut saya ketahui dari berbagai sumber, kalau ada salah-salah mohon maaf terutama Shawol, sayakan manusia tempatnya salah dan dosa! ditunggu komentarnya!!
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